So today was the inaugural running of the EJ&KLR and if you measure success by the size of the smiles then this was definitely a triumph!
After an inspection run, backwards (thanks to my daughter) we prepared the first (Playmobil) passengers. We also managed a run of the new arrivals, the Zillertalbahn coaches. After a successful few hours running the maintenance team took the lines diesel shunter up the line with an open wagon checking for any wear or gaps in the track.
The locomotives both perform very nicely, the stock runs smoothly and it all looks and feels wonderful. I'm chuffed to bits! Two things we've noticed though, the track seems to get dirty quickly, which must be the plastic wheels on the stock, and one of the points seems to get the stock to jump a little so need to investigate that a bit more tomorrow.
So with snow outside measuring up for the project will have to be a few weeks... However ideas for buildings are already formulating, and one thing that is clear is we need more track!
Hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas.