Friday, 30 November 2012

Kof bonnet front fitted...

This evening, with a half hour window, I hacked a hole in the bonnet front using a large drill bit, then cut out with a craft knife a rough rectangle. This was cleaned up with a file and a sharper blade, before fitting the salvaged grill from the Liliput bonnet. This is now glued on to the rest of the bonnet. Getting there slowly, still a few jobs before I can get out the filler!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Kof bonnet front started...

I've made a start on creating the distinctive front bonnet grill and surround. Using 3mm thick styrene should allow me to get a good rounded edge on the top and side corners like the prototype.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Kof smooth cab...

The LGB Kof cab has been smoothed, I've removed the last traces of the moulded light details on the rear, along with the waist high band, and on the cb sides I've smoothed off the number and works plates.

I also took a razor saw to the small boxes protruding from each side of the cab front.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Further Kof bonnet progress...

I had a quick half hour so I managed to knock up the bonnet top from some sketches I had made, as well as posing the model with the lights and exhaust stack balanced in position...

Next up the bonnet front, and then I can do the Milliput...

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Kof bonnet takes shape...

I've begun building up a new bonnet for the Liliput/LGB Kof bash - so far just a very simple rectangular box out of 60thou plasticard. Note this is 3mm short at the front as I've not added the grill section. I'm going to use 120thou for the front piece so that I can get a good rounded edge on the front corners like the prototype. To form the curved bonnet top I'm going to use various stepped sections of plasticard, with the edges smoothed with Milliput, and then I'll sand it into the curved profile of the prototype inspiration.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Roll-wagen loading points...

Further to my previous post about plans for an indoor layout, here are some prototype track plans taken from Schmalspurig Durch Osterreich. We have top to bottom...

Zillertalbahn - Jenbach
Pinzgauer Lokalbahn -
Vellachtalbahn - Kuhnsdorf
Waldviertelbahn - Gmund
Mariazellerbahn - St Polten

Indoor project?

I've been pondering the options for an indoor G scale layout for a few days, largely inspired by my bash of the Liliput diesel shunter and the Zillertalbahn prototype...

What? Remember my Roll-wagen project? Yes? Well imagine an indoor layout with a standard gauge interchange point. I'd need a new roll-wagen with the ability to load and un-load standard gauge (Gauge 3) wagons.

Here are my initial sketches and some inspiration, and to follow some prototype Austrian track plans.

Polish book on Forestry Railways...

One of my Christmas presents arrived today, a book on forestry narrow gauge railways through Carpathia. Titled 'Karpackie kolejkl lesne' it is a photo album of incredible pictures. Unfortunately it's been squirrelled away by the wife until Christmas Day!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

1950s 2 axle stock...

I recently got some LGB parts from Modell-land via a fellow G Scaler (thanks Mike) to renew my 2 axle coaches. They were the first items I repainted and in my early naivety I painted them in a faux Zillertalbahn livery to match the yellow window frames the coaches had originally.

I'm now planning on fitting the bow ended roof, and replacing the yellow window frames with oak ones. They will be an olive green and decorated in a low key EK&KLR livery to form a third and fourth item of passenger stock in the livery.

They will also be complimented by a rebodied brake van, and Elly's Stainz will also gain EJ&KLR markings.

All dressed up...

And nowhere to go!

Unfortunately a much looked forward to trip to the Hill Head and Dales light railway has had to be cancelled as a sickness bug bites in the Hilton household. Hopefully it can be re-scheduled soon!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Liliput Kof bash...

Well with an evening free to do some modelling and the railbus priming not taking long I decided to dismantle the Liliput diesel and look at how to modify the LGB cab to fit. Well it went a bit further than that in the end!

First up I cut out a slot on the cab control unit to fit over the motor cover in the Liliput cab with a slitting disc. I then used a razor saw to remove the rear lights and moulded details on the cab. I then pulled out the handrails, and then decided I'd take a look at cutting down the buffer beam.

I racked one corner with the razor saw and in less than ten minutes I had removed the bolt head detail and a sloping corner, more European in outline.

I like the proportions so far and will mock up a bonnet in card to get a better feel of it soon. Am I the first person to bash a LGB Kof cab on to this chassis?

Railbus in primer...

I had the dregs of a can of primer left over from the Blauturm Faur kit so this evening, with the chassis carefully masked, I gave the railbus a dusting. This will be left for a few days to harden before I airbrush on some blue on each end and along the sole bar.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Autumn on the line...

It's great having a garden line with crisp sunny autumnal days. It took 5 minutes to clean the track and setup and before long EJ&KLR number 2 was running round. This might be the last time that number 2 runs on the line in this form before bring chopped to become more European in appearance.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Faur plates and railbus buffers...

With an impending visit to the EJ&KLR this weekend I've finished off the replacement Faur works plates, here pictures with the oversized originals. Steve at has surpassed himself this time!

The railbus has seen a touch more progress too... I have fitted plasticard I beam section over the old buffer mounts, just like on the prototype cars exiled in Serbia. I think this is now ready for a coat of primer. More later in the week...

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Handrails and transfers...

A slow burn project that has fits and starts... That sums up my railbus bash!

This week I've begun designing another sheet of transfers, for not only the railbus but a pair of 4 wheelers I'm repainting, a flat wagon repaint, another brake van conversion and a new identity for Elly's Stainz so it fits with the rest of the line...

I've also added some 0.m brass rod to represent the handrails on the Piko railbus, as well as rubbing the markings down with 1200grade wet and dry used wet.

Polish narrow gauge steam...

Behind the Water Tower is an interesting blog about Polish railways - and occasionally features news of the countries varied yet precarious narrow gauge preserved (or semi preserved) railways.

Recently there was a blog post about the line at Sroda, and the town councils approval of renovation of one of the lines pair of Px48 steam engines. Those with long memories might remember me considering bashing one from the LGB Rugens tank (I still might one day). Along with the news was this film made back in 1996 documenting the regular state owned and ran narrow gauge steam service...

"David Doré is a professional film maker. He has scores of films, many made for the railway industry, to his credit. He has made some of his work accessible on Vimeo and we look forward to exploring it together on the pages of BTWT.
David made this superb short film about the Sroda narrow gauge railway in 1996."

Little Train to Sroda from David Doré on Vimeo.