Well isn't it funny how things turn out... Talking with my wife in recent weeks we've decided that a family project would be a great thing to work on this year. It wasn't even my suggestion - but hers - that 'a project' could be renovating the garden and building a garden railway...

So this weekend we got the kids wrapped up warm and into the garden and after an hour and half cleared most of the bushes and plants from the proposed location - which was a great way to get a feel for the space. It's a lot bigger than we had imagined, and there is plenty of space for a decent run.

Alex and I put down some 'indoor' track (so it's R1) but it gives an idea of the run we're planning, although I think we'll move the station area to the other side, so that the front edge just features the train meandering through some trees... That could well change though... we'll see!

We've filled the garden waste bin and still have an absolute ton of cut back bushes to chop up and get rid off. Next up though is working out how to level the space, whether we build up the bottom, dig down at the top, or a mixture of both - as the intention is definitely for a level line!

In this last photo you can see the height difference from the front bottom edge (next to the shed) to where the bins are... The bins will be shielded by a wall and fence, and the bench (you can see it behind Alex) will be a lovely spot to 'observe' the garden and railway. We're hoping to keep it pushing forwards this winter so we have something to enjoy this summer...
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