Sunday, 27 February 2011
Planning meeting...
little brother... and thanks to friends on G-scale Central I'm now
going to use R3 points for the loop, just keeping an R1 on the
entrance to the shed for space reasons.
Out into the garden... Part 2
This is about the size of the station and length of the long side closest to the house. The train is parked where the loop will be located.
I have to admit great excitement even though I was just looking at a stationary train on track just plonked on the existing patio!
Saturday, 26 February 2011
So what next?
I've also found some roofing felt in the shed, which will be perfect for covering the roof on the engine shed :)
Bags of atmosphere in black and white...
Permanent Way gang happy!
Day 1 - work started on clearing...
Friday, 25 February 2011
Wagons finished and outdoor photos...
I also took the opportunity to take some outdoor photos of the engine shed, what do you think? I'm pleased with how it's coming along nicely!
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Open sesame...
Thoughts have turned to how to incorporate some little interior details like a work bench, light and plug sockets etc. On the outside I've an idea on drainpipes but need to sort the roof before I do any more exterior detailing.
On a side note I've priced up the track for Version 10, with no discount and buying all new stuff and it's about £560 including the big LGB bridge. A lit less than I thought...
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Plan mock up (3D and photo merge)...
Freight fleet grows...
Interestingly both the fork lift and new wagon are made in West Germany, so quite a vintage but in lovely condition. They look hardly touched, well until I primed the latter this evening!
Monday, 21 February 2011
Version 10 as plans evolve...
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Day out on the Welsh Highland...
More photos later...
Saturday, 19 February 2011
A quiet relaxing afternoon with my sketchbook...
It's one if the 0-8-2 399 class engines, one of the most powerful designs on the Austrian narrow gauge lines, and shows a typical branch train in the early 1980s, yup that's right! 1980s!
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Lock stock and three smoking barrels (bolts)...
The handle is 0.9mm and the bolts are 0.7mm brass wire, superglued into plasticard mounts. The hinges are plasticard microstrip, glued on with liquid poly which also dissolves the clear plastic too, making fixing the outer ones easier, I was imagining sticking my fingers together with superglue if it hadn't been!
Next up finish the second side door and then paint them! Plans are formulating for the interior, and the station building.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Open sesame, shed doors started...
Well quite a few actually, I've based these on the design of the shed doors of Garsten on the Steyrtalbahn.
They're made from outdoor polystyrene, with 60thou plasticard used sliced into 7mm planks for the interior bracing. The plank detail is scribes on both sides. Superglued construction, hopefully robust enough for a few years. I've since added top and bottom bolt detail. Colour will be brown.
The side doors can also be seen, but not started. These are also based on Garsten with a window in the top third split into three vertical panes. Think I'll scribe these, mask the window and then add the panes when it's all dry with the bow pen.
None of these will be working. One of the side doors will be closed, the other ajar, and the front ones will be fixed open, with Araldite, when they're finished.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Evolution to version 8 (well nearly 9...)
However whilst track was purchased to get us to 4, the plans and ideas continued to evolve - taking the track plan of the station and shed area and building it into a more scenic garden setting.

Starting with 6 it was obvious that I had taken some aspect of 5 and shoe-horned it in without thinking about the flow of the line. I was unhappy with the geometric feel and thought it looked too much like a big trainset, not helped by exclusive use of R1 curves.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Inspiration in book form...
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
More custom transfers...
Drawn in Photoshop (but could equally be done in Illustrator, in fact the next batch will be I expect as there would be some advantages as I learn how this all works!) using the DIN1451 font, I've taken inspiration from LGB models and the Hungarian coaches on the Welshpool and Llanfair.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Bags full of character...
Liliput Diesel Lok V3 shunter finished...
There is more I could do, like fit brake hoses, horns and add some soot around the stack, all jobs for the future.
To summarise this job it's had:
* foot boards and cut bars removed
* buffers and shanks fitted
* rivets removed from cab
* Davenport removed from hood
* new handrails fitted
* windscreen wipers made and fitted
* complete respray
Prototype for everything? Even LGB'isms?

Saturday, 5 February 2011
Through the window...
This one was the first, so is considerably rougher than the rest and since this was taken I've tidied it up a touch. They are cut from 3mm polystyrene I think, it's a material I bought from B&Q a long time ago for the garden shed glazing. Cut with a Stanley knife scored then snapped. The bars are painted on satin black using a bow pen and steel rule.
I don't know yet about window sills but whilst I'm pondering that I'll start on some doors next.
Shunter is 95% complete...
The orange looks very bright and quite yellow in these shots but that's because they were taken under artificial light and the iPhone doesn't do a manual white point adjust!