Wednesday 11 January 2012

January maintenance...

One of the joys of a garden railway is the maintenance required to keep it in good condition. I'm lucky that my Mum keeps on top of the weeding most of the time, but she leaves the track maintenance down to me. This time of year is a good time to check for subsidence in your road bed and top of the ballast.

I have been slowly working my way along the embankment making sure it's firm and supported, tamping the ballast on several occasions. Yesterday I also added some top soil to the slope to better support the ballast edge as well as get a better slope on the embankment. Once this was pressed down and firmed up I topped up the ballast along the top edge.

I also took to generally tidying up the 'edge' of the ballast all the way around the line. All in all a pleasant hour spent maintaining the right of way whilst having some relaxation and reflection time.

Obviously, the line then needed extensive testing (see yesterdays post!)

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